Monday, August 10, 2009

Something new!

So this space is meant for talking about gaming, martial arts, anime and other geeky stuff I get into.

So to start with I going to talk about two things that I'm involved in right now.

This new convention is April 9th, 10th, and 11th at the Double Tree Hotel in Mission Valley. San Diego, CA. Check out all the latest information on San Diego's first Anime Convention at . I'm part of the staff for this con, but it's not settled as to what I'm going to do. Though most likely I'll be working with the volunteers. So please come to our con!

The Gossamer Masque is a Live Action Roleplaying Game hosted every third Saturday in Balboa Park, which is in the heart of San Diego, CA. The game system is The Shining Host, which is based on White Wolf's popular World of Darkness game Changeling The Dreaming. I've been playing in this game for over a year now and I love it. The game it's self has been running for three years. So if your ever free on the third Saturday and in the area come join us.

My next post will most likely be about Cuong Nhu, The martial art that I practice.

See ya next time!